Call for Presentations

June 1 - June 2

Virtual Conference & Expo Registration is open!

Call for Presentations

The Call for Presentations is closed.


For more information on selection notification and other speaker deadlines, please visit the speaker timeline.

Seeking passionate, inspired, expert speakers in five tracks.  The 2020 IPMI Conference education program will feature five tracks to enlighten and inspire attendees: Build, Energize, Execute, Innovate & Move.  Each track aligns to the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities that an industry professional needs to succeed. 

Presentation Topics


When developing the conference educational sessions, our goal is to provide a program that meets the varied educational needs of attendees, presented by talented speakers who represent the diversity of the industry.

IPMI is organizing our education tracks this year as follows, however, presentations on topics outside of these themes will also be considered:

Theme/Track Topics Include:
 Build Addresses the planning, design, construction, maintenance and renovation of physical parking and transportation infrastructure. This track will address these concepts from the curb, to stand-alone garages and lots, to mixed-use facilities and adaptive reuse strategies. 
 Energize Provides inspiration, motivation, skill sets and creativity for organizational, professional, and personal development. This track can include ambassadorship and advocacy, team building, and leadership skills, marketing and public relations.
 Execute Examines all areas of administration, operations, risk management, finance, human resources, project management, marketing, and more.  From strategic planning all the way to day-to-day operations, this track will focus on the essentials and the specifics of running a parking, transportation, and mobility organization. 
 Innovate Focuses on innovation and tech in mobility, transportation and parking, from the state of the industry to the bleeding-edge and disruptive. Innovation topics may be technology-based, people-powered, or creative organizational solutions. 
 Move Dives into all aspects of all modes of transportation, TDM, and trends shaping our industry. This track will cover all modes of transportation, from the first mile to the last, and include mass transit and micro-mobility.

Proposals should provide attendees with:
  • New skills, capabilities, and behaviors to allow them to deliver successful parking programs.
  • Real-life examples or case studies that contribute to the advancement of the industry.
  • Cutting-edge technologies, trends, and insights into best practices that can be translated to operations and performance.
  • Leadership and customer service that demonstrate effective problem solving, communications, and engagement

Session Types

IPMI is requesting presentations that appeal to all types of adult learners. To provide the best educational experience for participants, IPMI is shifting away from traditional lecture-based education to more engaging, participant-based 60-minute education sessions.
  • Problem Solving - Speakers pose a problem and lead attendees through exercises to develop solutions.
  • Panel Presentation - Moderated discussion by no more than three panel members and one moderator with the a focus on outcomes and best practices.
  • Experimental/Case Study – Speakers review a case study and lessons learned.
  • Interactive/Innovative Presentation and Group Discussions
Proposals should provide attendees with:
  • New skills, capabilities, and behaviors to allow them to deliver successful parking, transportation and mobility programs.
  • Real-life examples or case studies that contribute to the advancement of the industry.
  • Cutting-edge technologies, trends, and insights into best practices that can be translated to operations and performance.
  • Motivate, inspire or demonstrate how to support your team and customers.
  • NEW for 2020: Speakers/presenters are being asked to offer an educational handout to attendees summarizing materials and key items from their session as takeaway value.  This replaces the previous requirement to post full Power Point presentations for attendee download in the handouts section of the Speaker Service Center.  These handouts are highly encouraged to provide attendees with information that will reinforce the educational content provided during the session.  Sales materials and brochures will not be permitted to be uploaded.     

Submission Process

Proposals will be accepted online only from September 12 to October 10, 2019, 7:00 PM EDT. During this time, you will be able to edit and modify your presentation(s) as many times as you like.  After this date (without exception) we will no longer accept new or modifications to existing submissions.  

The submission process takes approximately 20-30 minutes. The individual(s) submitting the proposal must also be the individual(s) presenting.  Co-presenter(s) names and panelists must be identified during the submission process.  Substitutions of presenters and panelists will not be allowed after the close date. 

After you have successfully completed the process, you will receive an email from IPMI confirming your submission. You can submit up to three (3) presentation proposals.

Evaluation Process

The selection process is highly competitive; all presentations undergo a blind peer review by the Conference Program Task Force. Submissions will be evaluated using the following criteria:
•    Overall quality and written description of content.
•    Well-defined educational objectives that match the session description.
•    Relevance of content to the parking, transportation and mobility profession.
•    Level of participant engagement and interactivity. 
•    Presentation skill and experience of the proposed presenter(s).

Note: The 2020 IPMI Conference & Expo will provide the best educational content possible -- self-promotion and the promotion of specific products and services are expressly prohibited in the Speaker Agreement.  IPMI provides a variety of sponsorship and sales opportunities throughout the conference, such as exhibit spaces and Learning Labs.  For more information on purchasing exhibit space or securing a time slot for one of our Learning Labs, email us

Speakers who violate the Self-Promotion Policy and IPMI Speaker Agreement will not be permitted to present any education sessions at future IPMI events.  If you have questions about specific content, or would like further guidance on these policies, please contact Kathleen Federici at

Acceptance Process

If your submission is accepted, a formal email invitation to participate will be sent to you on December 2, 2019 with the details of your assigned time/date.  You and any other co-presenters will be required to sign and return the IPMI Speaker Agreement document no later than December 16, 2019. These tasks will be completed through the Speaker Service Center (SSC). A link to the SSC will be included in the invitation to accept email.

If you have difficulty with the online database submission process, please contact us at or 571.699.3011.

IPMI's 2020 Virtual Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo will be packed with more than 40 sessions and 100 speakers, immersive deep-dive sessions for attendees to explore key topics, presentations from some of the most innovative organizations, and opportunities to engage and foster collaborations and build lasting relationships. Stay Connected! >>
Exhibitors can participate in #IPMI2020 virtual experience in a variety of ways. We've built a program that will both allow you to share content and be a visible participant in the #IPMI2020 platform. From Startup companies giving you a sneak peek at emerging technology to forward-thinking integration platforms and products - you'll find the best the industry has to offer for streamlining your operations and planning for the future. >>
#IPMI2020 is a unique opportunity for technology and service providers and even Startups, to put their businesses in front of a global community of decision-makers that drive millions of dollars of procurement decisions. Virtual exhibitor booths offer you 24/7 access to attendees for a full year. You never have to leave your computer to display your products and services, chat with attendees, and generate high-volume, targeted leads. Custom sponsorship opportunities exist to drive traffic to your virtual booth page and enhance your marketing efforts. >>
Thanks to our 2020 Strategic Partners